Professional Soldier (C2RB)

Income Tax 357

This deck plays similar to Sunny: build a ton of drip and run. The reason to play this in Anarch is the number of econ pressure tools available: Reina, Xanadu, Mining Accident and System Outage.

System Outage will rarely trigger, but it forces the corp to slow down (thereby giving you time to build a board state). It's also good for clearing Scarcity.

Match Ups:

  • FA: Get breakers, focus on burst econ. Chances of you getting your Nexus up are rare.

  • IG Prison: If common in your meta, swap the Film Critic for Caldera. Slums gets around Hostile Infrastructure for Bioethics. Land Mining Accident for the BP, preferably when they finish rezzing a bunch of assets.

  • CtM Spam: Laugh. Between your high link, constant drip and Citadel Sanctuary, you're in the clear.

  • Glacier: The slower the game, the better for you. Ash is one of the only good defensive upgrades now, and your link beats him down.

26 Sep 2017 esutter479

I think SysOut will get trigger plenty. Jackson is rotating, and corps WILL need to dig to find combo pieces and such. I like this include. :)

27 Sep 2017 wait what

How do you fare against CI-Sandburg? Does the deck keep their econ under control well enough to keep from getting locked out?

27 Sep 2017 Income Tax

@wait what: I haven't seen much CI, so I can't say. Generally, the deck does keep the corp around 15 or so credits, You usually facecheck ice with Cortez + Xanadu to drop them down to a manageable level. If CI is truly a concern, I'd suggest farming the Wheel and taking a deep dive into HQ when you have a large set of tokens.

27 Sep 2017 Income Tax

@wait what: I haven't seen much CI, so I can't say. Generally, the deck does keep the corp around 15 or so credits, You usually facecheck ice with Cortez + Xanadu to drop them down to a manageable level. If CI is truly a concern, I'd suggest farming the Wheel and taking a deep dive into HQ when you have a large set of tokens.