CT - Logos - Overmind (C.L.OVER)

famebyproxy 111

Playing around with the idea of including Logos in a Shaper deck. Shaper consoles aren't great, and Logos seems to fit right in with the tutor-centric faction. It's relatively cheap, has low INF and adds an MU.

Coupled with the CT +1MU, this seems to be a nice fit for an Overmind/Knight aggression & recursion deck, and provides some back up in the event an agenda slips by.

Stimhacks splashed for those must-get-in Overmind runs. The rest is pretty straight-forward Shaper recursion and R&D lock.

Will be play testing this week and seeing how things go. Thoughts welcome!

2 Jul 2014 wswan

Another idea: try e3 Feedback Implants to extend the usefulness of Overmind and causing you to have to do less work to bring it back out.

2 Jul 2014 famebyproxy

Thanks, @wswan. I've played with E3 Feedback Implants in the past and didn't really feel like it was helping enough to warrant the deck slots and INF. Haven't tested without it yet though, so it's entirely likely that I'll miss it dearly :)

2 Jul 2014 famebyproxy

If I were to include them, what would you drop? Probably something like:

-2 Lucky Find -1 Diesel +2 E3 Feedback Implants +1 Dirty Laundry

2 Jul 2014 wswan

That looks great.