Tech Startup (The Valley)

  • Gagarin Deep Space: Expanding the Horizon
    2018 Regionals
    Chronos Protocol: Selective Mind-mapping
    Shockeh 751
    Gagarin Deep Space: Expanding the Horizon
    Gagarin Deep Space: Expanding the Horizon
    2016 Regionals
    Titan Transnational: Investing In Your Future
    Ensu 279
    Gagarin Deep Space: Expanding the Horizon
    nungunz 236
    2016 Regionals
    Mti Mwekundu: Life Improved
    2018 Nationals
    Asa Group: Security Through Vigilance
    YsengrinSC 1437
    2020 Store Champs Third Rotation
    Jinteki: Replicating Perfection
    ToThBeBe 624
    Third Rotation
    Near-Earth Hub: Broadcast Center
    Sportsmetal: Go Big or Go Home
    pj20 1593
    NBN: Controlling the Message
    Ajar 1624
    2017 World Champs
    NBN: Controlling the Message
    JackMade 3254
    First Rotation
    Industrial Genomics: Growing Solutions
    pj20 1593
    Gagarin Deep Space: Expanding the Horizon
    JuneCuervo 2605
    Asa Group: Security Through Vigilance
    NetDad 792
    2019 Store Champs
    Gagarin Deep Space: Expanding the Horizon
    lopert 1618
    2016 Store Champs
    Near-Earth Hub: Broadcast Center
    NINJC 165
    NBN: Controlling the Message
    lopert 1618
    2016 Regionals
    Haas-Bioroid: Engineering the Future
    Haas-Bioroid: Engineering the Future
    Nemamiah 4138
    2017 Regionals
    Industrial Genomics: Growing Solutions
    Popeye09 147
    Blue Sun: Powering the Future
    rubyvr00m 884
    First Rotation
    Gagarin Deep Space: Expanding the Horizon
    Korporate 367
    2017 Store Champs