• Pays back for itself on the first rez.
  • Can be played as an event that would read "1 credit: tutor an asset".
  • Good with NEH to draw extra cards.
  • Good with the Foundry to tutor new ICE.
  • Card tutored must be revealed, so there is no surprise factor.
  • Good to spare influence in decks:
    • Let us say you splash 3 x The Root in a HB deck (9 influence). Turn to 1 x The Root + 2 x EBC = 5 influence (4 saved)

- Good synergy with Djinn: pays back the click to tutor. Add a couple of Cyber feeders and start your engines.

  • Good with Special Order: it pays back the extra click to tutor, given the program is installed right afterwards.

    • Pays back the click spent to install SMC.

    • Makes Saharara completely free (0 clicks, 0 credits).

    • Great synergy with Savoir faire: nets you a 5th click in the turn, for a cost of 2 credits. Early Bird + Savoir Faire + Autoscripter + Doppleganger = 3 runs + 4 clicks remaining, along with a zero-click program install. Creates a favorable environment to add Notoriety and Quest Completed.

    • Great with Mass install : 3 programs (a complete rig, or 3 Caissas with Deep Red in play) for zero click is huge.

    • Great with Pawn when it 'scores'. Allows a 5th click too + a zero-click program installed.

  • For Virus programs, allows to trash 5 cards from HQ a turn with Noise / DLR.


  • Works only if the program is installed from your grip, so anti synergetic with Clone Chip, Personal Workshop, SMC, Scavenge, Retrieval Run.

  • Must be trashed if you make an unsuccessful run. So it bends the game plan towards a rig development phase.

  • At 3 influence, here is once again a card that The Professor would have loved to play but will never.

I think I will give it try with Ken.

I think it's worth noticing the synergy with London Library allows you to install 1 extra femme for example —
  • You won't spare a click to install the card since you paid a click to host it anyway.

  • When played it gets you at -4 (3 credits + a click).

    • 1 card installed gets you to -2
    • 2 cards installed get you to 0 ... so The Supplier is useless thus far

    • 3 cards installed get you to +2 ... Infiltration and Easy Mark are better

    • 4 cards installed get you to +4 ... better play Hedge fund

    • 5 cards installed get you to +6 etc... 1 CE better than lucky find

From 5 cards installed with The Supplier (which means 6 turns of play), it gets interesting.

  • When The Supplier is trashed, you lose X clicks, X being the number of cards hosted when trashed. So make sure you won't get tagged.

So it is only viable - but very efficient - in a big connection deck. I agree that Iain Stirling is the identity that can use it best.


Long anticipated, spoiled a long time ago. Here we go:

At a standard use this is not an economy card: Gaining back the money you previously paid while returning a rezzed card you had installed has a name: lose a click!

Yet it opens doors for shenanigans:

  • Blue Sun + Oversight AI or BER + Wotan, Janus or Curtain Wall = Money But in such a case you have to head for a plan. what am I going to do with that money? Re-install and re-rez the ice to remove the condition? This is good but this is click costing: 1 to install ice, 1 to play OAI/BER, 1 re-rez ice. That makes 3 clicks? Plus 1 or 3 credits (OAI/BER). Isn't Eliza's Toybox better?

  • Blue Sun + Eliza's Toybox + Wotan, Janus or Curtain Wall = Money Twice more than a Melange mining corp turn. But it costs an extra click to rez the ice.

  • Blue Sun + Amazon Industrial Zone = Money. At -1 CE for the extra install, this basically makes 2 credits a turn. Hello Eve!

  • Need money to score an agenda? OK. Your turn begins. You've just been siphoned to 0 credits. You have a 4/2 agenda with 1 advancement token installed. It is protected by an un-rezzed ice that costs 4. Looks bad. Now you can return a 3+ cost rezzed card to your hand and score. Looks better.

To play this ID at full capacity (each turn), you have to consider you're playing with 2 clicks a turn instead of 3.

But it can be considered from an uneconomical point of view. It can:

  • Return cards to HQ to bulk it up in order to protect agenda from access.
  • Against Nasir, return your rezzed pop-up windows to gain 0. re-install it outermost. Ridiculous and awesome.
  • Against Kit, return a code gate to re-install it outermost.
  • Return ices to make them protect another server
  • Remove 1 bad pub a turn (for a click) with Elizabeth Mills.
  • Return your draco to reboot it as a 20-strength ice once you got damn rich !
  • Return asset/agenda/upgrade to install them on another server. Great with Simone or Off the Grid.
  • Recycle your dead ices: You have a rezzed enigma. Your opponent runs Yog.0 that you can't destroy. Why not gain 3 anyway?
  • Destroy Parasites, reinstall ICE afterwards
  • Destroy Caissas, reinstall ICE afterwards
  • Make Femme fatale dumb.
  • Rearrange your glacier to recover from Copycat, Escher, Crescentus
  • Make Inazuma mobile, ready to empower whatever you installed.

So this ID allows many shenanigans, and I really appreciate that - just like the Foundry, it introduces a new way to play the game. It's not just an extra boost for a unidimensional race (Etf, KBWBI etc...)/

But to me, Blue Sun is optimized in constantly rebooting drip economy assets.

It allows to reboot counters on install cards. It is awesome with Eve Campaign: When Eve has 2 credits left and your turn begins, instead of gaining 2 and trashing Eve, return it to HQ and gain 5. Use these 5 to re-install Eve and enjoy 7 more turns of money.