Psycho-Seasons (5th place - Pleasant Grove, UT store champio

jelyman 112

I had been working on this deck off and on for a couple weeks but never fully put it together until the day of the event. Crazily enough it worked out this time. Played two games before it started and liked it enough to run it in the tournamnet.

The idea is pretty straight forward...Midseason Replacements i to Psychographics for easy scores. This deck only lost twice to the same runner whic happed to be the third place finisher's Exile deck. Each victory was via an over advanced Project Beale. One for the full 7 points!

Shinobi worked out very well. If placed on a central it taxed the runner tremendously, making the tagging process much easier. Information Overload and Architect were quite forgettable. They played little to no factor in any of the matches.

Normally i played very slow just tryi g to make as much money as possible, let them score, and then tag away. A few games i set up a scoreing server to either score a 3/2 agenda or again drain their econ if they stole it. Some games were close and i fell behind a lot but my money eventuall outpaced theirs and i could finish withe the Beale.

Any questions and comments are always welcome.

17 Mar 2015 Saan

I'm always loathe to play Shinobi these days simply because the anarchs (and some other runners as well) all have I've Had Worse. The incremental nature of the damage just increases the chances of hit hitting. And in a tagstorm NBN, I'm usually going to keep it in my hand for fear of Scorch, rather than using it as card draw.

Either way, I'm pumped it worked out for you =) It's always an ice that no one expects.

17 Mar 2015 Friff14

This deck was very quick at the tournament. As the other fifth-place finisher, I saw this deck do some serious work. He scored out a 5-point Beale within what, five turns?

Of course, then I turned around and burned his house down on turn 3 the next game. :)

Very fun deck, by the way; sad I didn't see much more of it.