DDoS Logos Leela

Isvan 682

So Logos Leela does what is always does, which is punish the Corp for scoring aggressively by opening up a space in either R&D or HQ, then brutally using it to tear them down. The standard solution to this, generally, is to get two pieces of ice on your centrals before you start scoring.

Enter DDoS. Drop it early (with Career Fair!) and suddenly the Corp needs three ice on HQ and R&D before they can secure their servers after a score. They can also save clicks to reinstall their ice afterwards, but leaving advanced cards in a remote a) slows the Corp down even more and b) leaves openings for plays involving Account Siphon and Inside Job. Admittedly you can't actually break anything in their remotes, but that doesn't stop you from getting in due to unrezzable ice and bypass effects.

So now the corp has to wait even longer before they can safely score. The advantage of this is that by the time they are safe, they have probably drawn multiple agendas- especially if you've been using Fisk Investment Seminar. The plan is to have Gang Sign / HQ Interface up and running by the time the Corp is secure enough to start scoring, meaning they hemorrhage as many agenda points as they score. You can still pressure servers even if there is rezzed ice there- A lot of the time some of it will be relatively porous, and your breakers are quite efficient as long as you're hammering a central. If you are willing to break the ice on HQ to get your Siphon off, you can probably get into an unrezzed R&D.

Early game you can afford to be agressive anyway- you have Muertos Gang Member and Emergency Shutdown to derez ice the Corp uses to try and keep you out, but it's often a good idea to get them to spend money early. Try and trash econ assets and generally keep the corp on the back foot until they start to ice up a little, then focus on sitting back and building up your econ.

Midgame put down DDoS, Gang Sign and Logos as soon as you get one, and make some money. If the Corp leaves an opening, hammer it as hard as possible. Generally the first Logos trigger wants to be Keyhole (if you can bounce an R&D ice, or you can get a Siphon to near-zero off), Amped Up (if you already have Keyhole) or Sneakdoor (if the Corp is being very defensive and you expect them to be able to rez something).

Lategame get Gang Sign + HQ Interface up and running, then wait for the Corp to lose. You can threaten HQ or R&D to make them worry more, but don't go all out for it - you don't need to take risks and get killed by Batty/Gold or something when the Corp is going to lose eventually. If they score out lategame and your Gang Sign accesses miss, use your Logos trigger to get Hades Shard (or Deja Vu if you already used it) and check Archives for anything suspicious.

Other handy stuff:

  • Against fast advance decks, you can do interesting things with Hades Shard when they start advancing to steal an agenda you Keyholed and bounce whatever they were advancing.
  • Alias is a pretty reasonable facechecking tool. Try to save actually running on ice for if you have Shutdown or Muertos, but if you're pushed for options then do go ahead.
  • When Apocalypse comes out, I'd be tempted to swamp it for the Amped Up as a reset button- DDoS works really well with Apocalypse for blowing stuff up if, for example, you can't get in to a remote that's gonna win the Corp the game. Try not to turn all your stuff facedown if you just returned a load of ice to the Corp's hand though, it can be a little awkward.