Net-Ready Whizzard

Cloudfin 1

Not much to say really. This is a very, very good deck. It preys upon NBN but can hold it's own against other decks. I wouldn't change a single card in this deck at the moment. Parasite and datasucker are the key cards in this deck, this paired with Grimoire, Net-ready eyes and our icebreakers allows us to go where we want when we want and for very little credits.

Build it and have fun winning.

16 Sep 2015 DarkMite2

I have an almost identical deck that worked well. I have found that I didn’t get a lot of use out of Yog.0. I took it out and replaced it with an extra Faust. This also lead me to take out Net-Ready Eyes and replace it with another Self-modifying Code and Film Critic. I’ve had better results. GL! =)