Cheating on Finals v1.0

umbralAeronaut 811

Spending real money on Study Guide is for chumps. Not sure if this actually is any better than Stealth Kit, but it deserves a try. As usual for wonky Kit builds, Escher is the MVP.

22 Jul 2016 Tsgstarwars

love this just for the name!

22 Jul 2016 Saan

Inti is only gonna break your heart, man.

31 Jul 2016 botdamon

Always thought Study Guide was a cool card and I love the idea of dumping recurring/temporary creds on it!

4 Aug 2016 maikuru

This was fun to play last night. I replaced Inti with Snowball though. It's a bit more efficient when dealing with a server with lots of barriers.

4 Aug 2016 maikuru

I'm wondering though if there should be 3 Omni-drive, remove the Plascrete and Sacrificial Construct.

Also Maybe ditch the Legwork for a second Mongoose.

4 Aug 2016 umbralAeronaut

@Saan and @maikuru You're both right about Inti, I've also moved on to Snowball for this deck instead. I wouldn't remove Plascrete Carapace right now simply because of The Meta, but I went -1 Turning Wheel and +1 Political Operative to help against glacier. I don't think you really want more Omni-Drives because Mirror gives you tons of memory already, but the nice thing about this deck not being reliant on Cloak is that you can slot other programs that wouldn't otherwise make the cut. Right now I have 1 Chakana and 1 Paricia and both have proven fairly helpful.