Core set anarch

Cambru 14

Updated core set anarch deck

17 Apr 2015 Lttlefoot

Maybe run one Wyrm just in case you come up against ice that you can't bring down to 3 strength easily?

17 Apr 2015 CreepingMAN

3 Special Order and 7 Icebreakers? Plus Wyldside? It seems to me not a good idea. Either first or second.

17 Apr 2015 Lttlefoot

Core set decks tend to be bigger on consistency than modern decks because they are lighter on raw power (there's not as many powerful cards to choose between).

But yeah those wyldsides might become a bit of a burden after a while, why not try to splash in Aesop's Pawnshop instead of one of the special orders?

17 Apr 2015 PureFlight

I like @Lttlefoot's idea - drop a Special Order for more influence. I would also consider dropping a Corroder or a Yog and then rely on SO to get it when you need it.

I'm a little skeptical on Modded here because there are relatively few targets. Grimoire, Crypsis, 2 Mimics, 2 Mediums, 2 Yogs. Those are the only Programs/Hardware with install costs of 3 or more. Try it and see if you like it! Otherwise you could spend that influence on another The Maker's Eye or an Easy Mark or something.

21 Apr 2015 Badeesh

Magnum Opus instead of either a PT or modded. Maybe even two to be certain. Econ biggest issue in pure core set decks IMO.

10 May 2015 Cambru

I made this deck when i was quite new to netrunner, anb after playing with it a few times, i agree with the aesops instead of all the special orders. It does need a way to remove wyldside. replacing sacraficial construct for a memchip is also something i need to do, as this deck does have a lot of Memory cards. I dont like wyrm, i prefer to use parasites on large ice instead. What this deck really needs is some more money for installing and paying for icebreakers, but in core set that is hard to come by.