Victoria Jenkins' true home v 0.1

beladee 18

The rest of the Data & Destiny pack may convince me otherwise, but I'm pretty sure bioroids and Victoria Jenkins are best buds. She's also pretty cozy with Turing. Turn 1: hedge fund, VJ protected by Turing, rez VJ. Smile.

Frown when the runner turn 1 includes inside job. Ah, well. It's only two points.

Agenda choices still being tinkered with.

3 Jul 2015 sruman

Why 2? Just wondering if 1 Victoria and Executive Boot Camps might be a better idea.

3 Jul 2015 ミドリン
14 Jul 2015 beladee

Hmm...yeah, Tech Startup probably fits better than 2x Jenkins. Out of curiosity, is there a ruling on whether a second Jenkins could be installed after the first is stolen? I'm wondering whether the unique tag would limit that, or whether the agenda piles don't count in that case.

27 Nov 2015 singularityshot

I had a look at this for another synergy I thought could be made to work, and basically I think that agendas in either scoring area are considered active, even if they are just giving the runner / corp points. Therefore, the unique tag comes into play, forcing the other unique card to be immediately trashed. I don't think you can trash something from a scoring area ordinarily, so I imagine the new install would have to go. I think however this also means that you can't have both Jenkins stolen.

25 Jan 2016 CactusJack

From one of the game

You can have multiple uniques.