To Big To Fail v2.0

Father Tork 10

After lots fo playing, made some improvements...

Basically a lot of single turn Agenda scoring, and The Board to keep the runner from winning. Self-destruct stops The Board from being stolen.

Most of the econ comes from Agendas, and playing Argus Security: Protection Guaranteed means running into all these agendas is dangerous. Especially since taking tags instead of damage means a risk for Scorched Earth.

7 Feb 2015 Saan

In a situation where The Board is actually doing anything (the runner is at 7 points), killing The Board simply wins the runner the game. In a situation where the runner doesn't have 7 points, The Board isn't actually accomplishing anything by existing.

7 Feb 2015 Father Tork

My line of thinking with the Board is with a trash cost of 7, it can buy me a turn or 2 once the runner is at 7 points.

4 Jun 2015 UminWolf

I think Snare! has a place in here for sure. It's good in R&D, HQ, and in this deck, you can just put it face down like an agenda; there ain't no way the runner isn't going to run whatever you put down.