Old lady fat suit

themaninthehighcastle 83

So... I'm pretty sure that this is pure jank. Let's get that out of the way right now.

Ever since I saw Jemison spoiled, I've been itching to strap on my old lady fat suit, buy a one way ticket to Mars and take the fuck over. Thank god I don't have to wait any longer. The future is NOW!

The basic idea is to get a Government Takeover scored out of hand to pretty much win the game. It's a pain in the arse to do, but possible. You need to score 2 False Lead plus something else and have a Fast Track and Oberth Protocol in hand. Pop the FT to look for Government Takeover and instal it and OP. Rez the OP putting 2 advancement counters on GT. At the start of the runners turn, forfeit both False Leads to skip their go and put another four counters on GT (six in total). AAA to takeover MARS!!

Big props to whoever it was on Redit who came up with most of this idea (you know who you are). My main contribution has been to change the ice suite and add in the future perfect for extra tutoring and to find those Fast Tracks. Space Camps is for the lols.