Baby's first NBN Growing up

Vaos 68


Since last version, received new cards so here's the changes :

  • Removed 1 Corporate War
  • Added 1 AstroScript Pilot Program

  • Removed 1 Dedicated Response Team

  • Removed 2 Ghost Branch
  • Removed 2 Marked Accounts
  • Removed 2 Private Contracts
  • Removed 1 PAD Campaign

  • Added 1 SanSan City Grid

  • Added 2 Bernice Mai

  • Added 3 Green Level Clearance

  • Added 2 Shipment from SanSan

Basically, going from a more Asset based economy to an Operation based one, so it is less vulnerable to trashing and less click intensive (Marked Accounts & Private Contracts both require clicks).

Also replaced the Ghost Branchs (a bit unreliable) with Bernice Mai, which can give the doubt were as the upgrades could be that or SanSan.

For Agendas, + 1 AstroScript (it is really good), but no Character Assassination, as I figure that the runner would get tagged at some point anyway.

At this point, I still need to check if I could use Jackson Howards, if I still keep the Midseason Replacements + Psychographics around (Psychographics is amazing against the Tag Me runners I see in my meta), to see if Shipment from SanSan is really reliable, and to lastly maybe revise the ICE a bit.

17 Feb 2014 x3r0h0ur

I think a stronger arguement for jackson howard is that you do run midseasons and psycho. The problem is you don't run enough copies. You really should focus on either getting the combo, or not running it and putting in Jackson. I would change midseasons and both PADs to sweeps week, unless for some reason you don't have sweeps week. Maybe cut 1 flare for another psychographics if you do see lots of tag floating, esp since you run data raven. I don't really like Snare! in your deck, because most runners do run with 3+ cards. That said, with sweeps week out, they're probably running with exactly 3. I feel like Bernice isn't the great, because you don't have a ton of tag punish.

Either up the tag punish or down the tagging.

17 Feb 2014 Vaos

I think you make some good points :

  • The Midseason + Psychographics combo is included x1 because I like having the option available and to keep pressure on the usual Tag Me adversaries. It is not a main way to win in this deck. Still, just the possibility puts pressure and prevent Tag Me runners from going nuts on tags, as they could risk a one-turn win from Psychographics + Project Beale.

  • For Snare, it is a personal favorite, as it slows down people from going nuts into R&D and HQ as long they didn't see at least 2 Snares going out. It is true that in this deck they could be replaced by something more useful.

  • Sadly, I am getting my True Colors pack next week (missing only 3 packs now to have everything), after our weekly game day. I'll surely include it later in replacement of other cards. In that case, keeping Snare could be a better idea from the Sweeps Week pressure.

So currently, it seems valid to either go more punishing or less tagging. What about replacing some Snares with other punishing cards for now? More Psychographics, Closed Account, and possibly removing some Influence ICE + the snares to have 2 scorched in the deck?

Also, I'm still wondering if Shipment from SanSan is a good card in practice for this deck.

In any case thanks for the input.