GT for 3 creds

llama66613 753

18 Mar 2015 Circadia

I think you're missing a few pieces in your setup. Even if you have a Jackson pre-installed, you end up playing out all three standard clicks to install Jackson/GT, Shutdown, Diagnostics. First AD needs to play Reclamation Order to get the ADs back into hand, Subliminal Messaging for a click and Interns for a Jackson or GT. Now you're stuck because Subliminal Messaging won't grant clicks anymore so you only have one more Accelerated play, and that only gets you to 6 advancements. I think this needs a Biotic Labor to work so you can go:

1st AD: Interns, Biotic, Reclamation Order (two clicks remaining) 2nd AD: Interns, Shipment, Shipment (one click remaining) 3rd AD: Shipment, Shipment, Shipment (10 advancements and done.)

18 Mar 2015 Softman25

The play is:

2 jacksons on field already Click 1: Shutdown (pop first jackson, return Interns, Shipment, Shipment) Click 2: AD > Interns (install GT), Shipment, Shipment (pop second jackson, return Shipment x 3) Click 3: AD > Shipment x 3

All the pieces are there. (And yes, this is just all from the reddit thread.)