I Do What I Want: Who Needs The Professor?

mrmajesticbeard 1

This is a deck idea I have been playing around with for a few days. I love the concept of the Monolith deck, but I never have much luck with it in my local meta. However, I do seem to have some luck with Kate. I simply took the best parts of both decks; Monolith's card draw and burst economy and Kate's ability to do what she wants, and added in a little Professor flavor by throwing in tons of one-of programs, leaving me with plenty of options.

This deck is still untested, but I am really interested to see how it will do!

23 Dec 2014 JAK

Ooh, cool! I've got a build sort of like this, with a variant of my Professor deck, trying to see if it's better as Chaos Theory. (Spoiler: I found it wasn't. But that it wasn't is in itself something.)

Suggestions: cut Omni-Drive and ProCon. ProCon's the opposite of what you want to be doing, so's sort of Kati -- although if you're not running Magnum I guess it sort of makes sense? But the point of Freelance Coding Contract is to have as close to most of your deck be programs as possible.

If you go -2 ProCon, -2 Kati, +2 Magnum, +2 Leprechaun, you'll have much better hit-rate on FCC. (Also: you'll have no resources, so be free to be tagged.)

I'd also suggest trying Sneakdoor? It's really powerful, especially with Nerve Agent, especially if you get both out before your first click, using SMCs or Clone Chips. Maybe -Snitch, -Crescentus, -Mimic, +Sneakdoor, + Sharpshooter? Getting down to 40 cards is also something you'd want.