Mental Health Resort

heliopolix 9

"Welcome to the New Angeles Mental Health Resort. Amenities include full-time security services provided by NAPD, completely immersive movie and news programming streamed to every room, and counseling sessions with the best shrinks in the world." (Fine Print: Disclaimer: The NAMHR grounds are built over the remains of a land-mine testing field. Stray from the marked paths at your peril. You also waive your right to privacy while residing in the NAMHR)

Make the runner lose credits as often as possible, even when they don't want to, with Tollbooth, Turnpike, and Universal Connectivity Fee. Predictive Algorithm + RSVP lets them dig around in R&D and give you income from Explode-a-Palooza. Predictive Algorithm + NAPD Contract forces them to spend lots to steal, sets up for Midseason Replacements. Lots of tagging possibilities to feed Psychographics + Beale (13 tags for 7 points). Snares punish facechecking your assets and deep digging R&D. Mental Health Clinic + Primary Transmission Dish lets you use Invasion of Privacy to go snooping through the runner's grip and trash those annoying economy events. Museum of History to recur the Snares, the one-of operations, and trashed assets.

30 Dec 2024 CassiusRamon

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