Rototurreting Humanity - 11th@GLC startup CO

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Deck valid after Sixth Rotation
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Run Archives.... Die [Brighton H2 SU CO: Undefeated!]
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m.p 5

With startup going away so soon, GLC CO was my last chance to get some runner ragequits with Nani rigshooter. In accordance with the Spike Biased Rules, i went with an edited netdeck rather than brewing my own one, but i tweaked the ice suite a bit (vampy+hafrun turned to lotus field for gearchecking power and ETR subs for nani, and i added more tatu-bolas for that sweet money generator)

SanSans didn´t get me a single score (if the runner couldn´t get in, it was due to nani on archives+remote, so sansan was a bit overkill), but a snare+sansan threat disabled the runner for at least a turn, so I think they were worth it.

Can´t speak for my opponents, but I´ve had a lot of fun playing this deck, including the very very close game against Jade´s Esa where I ended up discarding both of my punitives only for the runner to get 5 points off a Finality and leave me decked after mandatory (anyway I won)

Huge thanks to bowlsley for organising this CO!