Burn this mofo down

GreenWing 13

Untried. I've noticed a lot of corps are going sideways in a big way. I want a way to deal with that while still maintaining a viable threat to centrals. Faust Noise i'm hoping will fit the bill, Whizard may be needed instead. But i'd like to try this out first. Idea here is a combination of classic noise and some of anarchs better burn the house down cards. Archives interface is specifically to deal with team sponsorship.

So i need to shed 7 cards (i think) and would love suggestions

25 Oct 2015 IceFalcon14

Since you are Noise, I doubt your Retrieval Runs will ever fire, and you dont have good targets, so I would get rid of them. I would also drop the Same Old Things, and Noise doesnt really need Sure Gambles if you get Aesops early. As such, Id also go up to 3 Wyldsides. I think Gravedigger is better than Hemorrhage for what you want to do, so I'd try to get 2-3 of them, dropping the Hemorrhage. I'm also not a big fan of Keyhole & Medium, I'd stick with just Medium. I also think that if you want Archives Interface to work, you are better off running at least 2.

In summary: -3 Retrieval Runs -3 Sure Gambles -1 Wanton Destruction -1 Same Old Thing -1 Keyhole -1 Hemorrhage

Add in: + 3 Gravediggers + 1 Medium + 1 Archives Interface

25 Oct 2015 GreenWing

Do you think Noise is the right way to go with this idea? I don't expect to be decking the corp, but i don't know a better runner for putting their cards in the bin this efficiently