Ruhrplicating Perfection (Madison, WI regionals - 11th place

LSK 4674

This isn't a super unusual Replicating Perfection list, but I'm really excited by the Ruhr Valley. A player in the Chicago meta had been playing Ruhr Valley in his RP deck for a while, and was really enjoying it, so at his suggestion, I put it into my RP deck.

It's an all-star. My favorite thing to do in this deck is install Ruhr Valley and Caprice into an otherwise naked server and put my faith in the psi game to score an agenda. A scored Nisei MK II and a naked Ruhr Valley can also protect any agenda long enough to score it.

That's really all that's novel about this deck. It's not the best ice mix, and it loses hard to the Whizzard decks that were present at the top tables, but it's good at what it does.