Waltzing Pragmatist (1st Place @ Petrie's Winter Series 3)

CrimsonWraith 3650

I followed up winning the second Winter Series Qualifier with NEH and Noise at Petrie's in Colorado Springs by winning the third one as well on March 24th, this time with Blue Sun and Leela.

Nothing particularly special here, just an update to the variant of @Cerberus ' Endless Waltz that I began playing a few months ago. I'll briefly go over the changes from my latest build.

  • Day Job: I swapped Lucky Find out for Day Job, giving me an additional two influence to fit in a third RDI.
  • Daily Casts: I was frustrated with glacier decks and not having opportunities to use Dirty Laundry, so I experimented with substituting Daily Casts in for it. It is a more guaranteed source of revenue, but I think it's just too slow for what we're looking for. I've gone back to Dirty Laundry since this tournament.
  • Stimhack: I feel that, much like Ser Gabriel last year, the Datasuckers are altogether unnecessary in this build and just another piece of set-up that can be dropped. I seem to be getting much more use out of the freed up influence and new card slots than I was with suckers. Stimhack's burst economy and the ability to get somewhere the Corp doesn't think you can is a great addition.
  • Utopia Shard: Another addition made possible with the removal of Datasuckers, and I also dropped down to a single Plascrete. Utopia's one of the more versatile cards in the deck. It works best with disrupting the Corp's combos (Hit with SEA Source? Trigger Utopia. Corp plays Biotic Labor or rezzes SanSan City Grid before installing and fast advancing an agenda? Shame on them, trigger Utopia.), but it also serves as your own combo of sorts to access the Corp's entire hand in conjunction with Legwork and an Archives run.
  • Sneakdoor Beta: Our MU is a bit more flexible with Datasuckers out of the way, so that makes Sneakdoor Beta a viable possibility. Good Corp players with ice to spare will already have iced Archives to stop the Desperado/Security Testing means of funding, but Sneakdoor alongside Leela's ability and Emergency Shutdown just punishes Corps that leave Archives open.
17 Apr 2015 Thike

Why Day Jobs over more Stimhacks? I find it hard to over value the surprise from Stim.

17 Apr 2015 CrimsonWraith

My local meta is rather Scorch heavy, so I wouldn't think of taking two brain damage despite the incredible value. And while excellent for cracking into a server or paying to trash assets/steal NAPD, Stimhack lacks the utility here that it does with cards popular in other faction's main archetypes (see Clone Chip). With the shift to more glaciers and the addition of Symmetrical Visage, I've found myself needing more multi-access and less of the burst econ of Lucky Find and/or Day Job, so I've swapped Day Job out for Maker's Eye.