1xCore - Kate - For teaching netrunner

NamespaceV 9

Single core set (old) deck intended for teaching

Runs multiple synergies and can put much pressure on RnD

In particular

  • Djinn can search for medium, crypsis
    • can host opus
  • pawnshop can trash quite a lot here
    • armitage with 2 creds, mem chips, bank jobs with 1 cred, sacrificial constructs
  • shows runner how powerful opus is if used right
  • breakers are bad, but naked runner is still scary, with opus money even ineffective breakers aren't that bad
    • remember tinkering is a card
    • remember core shaper icebreakers keep strength till the end of the run
  • managing MU is very important in this deck

Icebreakers are really bad, but its intended to be played against
