Exceeding Expectations

thecodetroll 60

Stronger Together. I love HB, I've played around with all of their ID's at least once. ETF is indisputably 'the best' because its ID effect never really stops giving. What I've found from being the kind of person who prefers experimentation over always just abusing the 'best' or what ever is flavor of the month is that Stronger Together may not net you a credit almost every turn, but what it does do is /almost/ always costs the runner an extra credit PER ICE, per run. which in terms of credit swing is pretty good. At least; thats my rationalisation for playing this ID not ETF.

Looking at the cards, I just went with Operation Econ because most people these days get into a server and trash addonis and eve, or smash them from R&D and I end up frowning and get poor and sad. SO only Eddy Kim can deny me this money. Jackson is Jackson, helps me draw the econ i need or cure my agenda flooding woes if the cards fall that way. Now, Melange. I havent seen this card for ages, and probably for a good reason... It does a lot of work here though If I can get a couple of remote Ice down and put it in there I can just spend a turn either icing multiple things or dropping econ operations to free up my hand and spend a couple of turns mining. Runners soon run in to trash it for the measly 1 credit it costs, but its done its job by that point.

Ice-wise: Eli is just dirty with 5 strength, Viktor 1.0 becomes passable out of Yog range and forces them to want to click through to avoid brain damage. Turing is always strong, and annoyingly versatile vs a faust or eater deck which needs to siphon or keyhole, The big guns are Wotan Heimdall 2.0 and Ichi 2.0, and to some extent Vikram 1.0 All rezable if melange is hanging around and if not all but wotan is doable really, but thats where the Bioroid efficiency research comes in, paying 3 for a 1 time strength 11 Wotan is great, and you can either money up and rez it fully later or find another B.E.R and rez it again.

Dont really know what else to say... Ash does his job, Caprice does hers, interns gets whatever back from the dead, and well the only thing im unsure about is Experiential data, but thats quite good at screwing the runners expectations of costs further, meaning they spend more getting in, and can spend less vs ash / caprice, could swap them out for 1 more ash and 1 more melange or something else entirely...

Anyone have any insight / input / general comments? :D

2 Feb 2016 thecodetroll

urk, bit wall of text-y

3 Feb 2016 durinthe

Brain-Taping Warehouse is always a great include in ST decks!