How much more can you take?

Kallin 1

"The trick isn't hitting the person you were aiming at. It's hitting only the person you were aiming at." - Jinteki

This deck is based on doing pretty much net damage. The deck has 17 agenda cards - almost all 3/1 or 2/1 agendas. The idea is that the runner damages himself by running on the servers and stealing agendas. For each agenda he takes one point net damage or with Hokusai Grid two points net damage. This as well is the reason why there are so many agendas in this deck. You shouldn't have a problem if the runner accesses your cards because almost all of your cards cause net damage.

The deck should work with only the three central servers and just a few remote servers to confuse your opponent. Place an agenda here and a sneaky asset there. If all goes smoothly your strategy doesn't need to score agendas because the runner will die of net damage. Except for Thomas Haas all of the assets do net damage too. Make sure that you have enough credits to trigger the abilities of Project Junebug and Snare! but it shouldn't be the problem because you need little money for ICE because you HAVE almost no ICE.

Now consider the operations: You need Achieved memories to reuse your cards to do some more net damage or get credits. Celebrity Gift works very well in this deck because you can intimidate your opponents and get money but the runner won't avoid running on your servers. Neural EMP should always do its job.

Finally the ICE: there isn't a lot of ICE. The few cards are just for the purpose of having any more fun with net damage or trashing cards in the runner's grip.

PS: Does everyone know how I can delete published decks or edit published decklists? I can't find an option. :(

9 Jan 2014 x3r0h0ur

You can only edit the description. You need to publish a new updated one, which is why you see people putting V1.0 or whatever in their titles. It will automatically put a 'derived from' in the description so you can see the changes if you do it right...