[Nerdrunners] Old Skool, New Skool. V 2.1

Rynn 44


20 Aug 2015 moistloaf

Is Film Critic worth splashing over Imp in Anarch? This is somewhat a fusion of the aggressive SMC build I play and the L4J spags posted.

20 Aug 2015 Rynn

Well, the previous version was a variant of the L4J deck (built entirely coincidentally). I found myself getting frustrated with the fixed strength breakers and decided to go back to roots. I've always run aggressive Anarch decks and the addition of SMC makes complete sense. In terms of the Film Critic, I found that since I was running so aggressively I had trouble with punishing agendas such as Fetals or TGBTs. And I hate paying for NAPD contracts.

Basically, I just use it to run as aggressively as possible. Death or Glory and all that.

21 Aug 2015 ItJustGotRielle

Deck looks solid, I also advocate the SMC Whiz build. Your deck size is bloated though; I don't think you need to run WyldCakes with your Faust. You can always SMC for Faust in a pinch to break a rush Lotus Field, and then go up to 3 Peddler and add a couple inject. A single backup DejaVu works as a pseudo 3rd Clone Chip and if you cut a Career Fair and a Critic you can add a Net-Ready to really make things cook. If not, you should add Spooned to deal with Lotus spam, since you have no answer to it other than throw away all your cards.