Whizzard: Consistent Gamer

DrunkenGineer 855

Or, What Does Everyone Have Against Djinn?


Anarchs need to get three things from out of faction: economy, draw, and tutors. Their in-faction options are either too expensive (Liberated Accounts) or come with drawbacks (Wyldside, Queen's Gambit). Thus, Easy Mark, Lucky Find, Express Delivery, and Special Order. Armitage, John Masanori, and Djinn are influence-free ways to shore up the three weak points, respectively.

Tag Me!

This deck really couldn't care less about tags. You're probably clicking Armitage as many times as possible on the turn you drop it, and you're probably using Same Old Thing right away too. This disregard for tags lets you use John M and Josh B to raise the tempo in the late game race to the finish. Just try to have a Plascrete down.


I find that when you're playing Anarch, the game is split in two: the part where you're building up and putting precise pressure on the corp; and the part where you're racing to the finish and want to do as much damage in as few turns as you can. If you've ever played a Noise Wyldside-Pawnshop deck, that switch is flipped on the turn you pawn Wyldside. In this deck, the switch is flipped when you use Josh B for the first time. If you can safely ignore the downside to his ability, you can get one of the strongest abilities in the game for one measly credit. And even one 5-click turn can blow a game wide open.

Note that every program in this deck sans Djinn is tutorable. This frees up card slots for goodies like Demolition Run, Scrubbed, and recursion. Also, in regards to Djinn, if you think about it as a 2 MU chip stapled to a reusable Special Order, it doesn't seem quite as slow. Being able to pull Parasites on demand is slightly less cool than doing so at instant-speed, but you make do with what you have.


Scrubbed is basically end-game economy combined with Datasucker token saving combined with a counter for your opponent's current. Demolition Run plus Nerve Agent is the ticket for corps that like to keep operations hidden away in hand. Déjà Vu lets you facecheck destroyers early on without fear, and if you don't need them for anything else, gives you extra Parasite uses.

Why no Sure Gamble?

Open the chart of what the cards in this deck cost. There's a grand total of 1 card in this deck that costs more than 3 credits, and that's the almighty Yog.0 (which shouldn't need to come out too often). This deck can run on fumes when it needs to, and having enough credits laying around to play Sure Gamble means you're probably doing something else wrong.

25 Aug 2014 Koala

I don't like John Masanori in this build. He is too expensive and the corp can easily trash him when you are tagged. And I don't like Express Delivery at all. Diesel is so much better if you really need carddraw.

25 Aug 2014 DrunkenGineer

Let the corp waste time trashing John. As long as you have a Plascrete down and 4 cards in hand at the end of your turn, you don't need to clear the tags he causes. And unfortunately Diesel is two influence, which is too much for this deck to afford. Quality Time could do, but it hurts to use it unless you draw into or already have burst econ in hand.

26 Aug 2014 Fjord

So you've got 3 Djinns to search for 2 Parasites?

26 Aug 2014 DrunkenGineer

And a Datasucker, and a Medium, and a Nerve Agent. If Djinn hits the table first, there's no reason why you won't use it to tutor all five viruses.