Kate Link

x3r0h0ur 8977

Get the UWC up and running quick, use good economy to build out your rig, use SMC to run while doing it, surprise big ice with emergency shut down, pluck medium size ice with Crescentus, recur it with clonechip when you don't need SMC for breakers. Dig deep and hard with PC. Do the sneakdoor gig on a turn when they haven't pushed out an agenda recently, they're probably in there. No one sees this coming out of shaper.
13 Nov 2013 Alsciende

Too much MU. -3 Borrowed Satellite, +2 Kati Jones (Connection), +1 Aesop's (Connection).

15 Nov 2013 x3r0h0ur

Uh theres 5 + 4 native MU Atman 1 Ram 3 Faerie 4 (while it lasts) magnum 6 crescentus 7 Sneakdoor 9

it can hold the entire rig in its final form But you're likely saying "yea but you have to have it all out" and yea, you normally don't have all of this stuff out. Sneakdoor comes out, turns on emergency shutdown (more than 1 with same old thing). creeper only comes out when you can't use faeries any more.

Remember that Zu and creeper are cloud programs and don't take up MU. Satellites pull double duty with link for UWC and traces, as well as extra hand size vs jinteki. Can't say i'd drop getting UWC up early for kati jones (nbn ruins her for me) and aesops, which has like 3 trash targets.