四郎 星子 -1 Raindrops Cut Stone +1 Mad Dash

iceprisma 40

First of all, I would like to thank v01d and AxWill for organizing the Baltic and Finland co-nationals. The event went very well and it was nice to see new and old friends. Thanks also to all my opponents for the nice games.

I can't take credit for the deck's I played. The credit for my runner deck belongs to my fellow Unbander Kikai who piloted it in 2023 Circuit Breaker Invitational. The only change I made to it as a result of discussions with AxWill was -1 Raindrops Cut Stone +1 Mad Dash. With this change, we aim to increase the odds of winning against Sportsmetal.

I went 4-2 on the tournament. I managed to win Ob, PE, OB and R+ and lost against R+ and Jinsei's PE.

Special shoutouts goes to my testing group Unband! It is my pleasure to develop with you to become a better player. Extra thanks to AxWill with whom I had time to practice before the tournament.