3-Part Handshake

underflow 6

The Pitch: Slow and steady wins the race; spend the first half of the game making friends, then the second half of the game calling in favors to outmaneuver the Corp. A style with lots of moving parts.

Gameplay: Play Connections as soon and as often as you can; the best card to see in an opening hand is Professional Contacts. Underworld Contacts, Professional Contacts, and Try-Maf Contact will be your primary sources of income. To turn Underworld Contacts on, either play Maxwell James and one Rabbit Hole or two Rabbit Holes. Inside Job is in the deck to threaten very early-game agendas. Use Logos to find the pieces you're missing for a given matchup. Use Faeries to break sentries until most of the ICE is rezzed, then play a Femme Fatale both as a sentry breaker and to disable the Corp's best ICE.

Improvements: If you like this play style, this deck would likely be better out of Iain Stirling. However, the biggest improvement would probably be a re-write. This deck is mostly a proof-of-concept for a very different play style than the other runner decks. A more normal Criminal list would include Security Testing, Forged Activation Orders, Bank Job, Sneakdoor Beta, good out-of-faction breakers, and Special Order, and would omit Professional Contacts and most other Contacts.