NetrunnerDB Search Syntax


This is an overview of the available operands and operators you can use to search for cards.

Accepted operands

You can use these to search for cards with specific properties

  • g – advancement cost
  • v – agenda points
  • b – ban list (not available in deckbuilding)
  • l – base link
  • o – cost
  • c – cycle (not available in deckbuilding)
  • f – faction (not available in deckbuilding)
  • a – flavor text
  • i – illustrator
  • n – influence (faction cost)
  • m – memory usage
  • y – quantity printed in set
  • r – release date (not available in deckbuilding)
  • z – rotation (not available in deckbuilding)
  • e – set
  • d – side
  • p – strength
  • s – subtype
  • x – text
  • _ – title
  • h – trash cost
  • t – type
  • u – unique

Accepted operators

These specify whether you want to find cards that match your search query or don't match it

  • : – equals
  • ! – different from
  • < – less than (numeric values only)
  • > – more than (numeric values only)

Some examples

  • test or _:test searches for cards "test" in their title
  • BLC searches for cards with the acronym "BLC"
  • _:a _!b searches for cards with "a" in their title but not "b"
  • t:asset searches for all Assets
  • t:asset s:ambush searches for every Asset that has the subtype Ambush
  • x:"make a run" searches for all cards with the text "make a run"
  • t:asset|upgrade f:n searches for all NBN cards that are Assets or Upgrades
  • f:a|s n<3 searches for all Anarch or Shaper cards with a faction cost less than 3
  • t:ice s!barrier|sentry|"code gate" searches for all ICE that are neither barrier, code gate nor sentry
  • r<2013-01-01 searches for all cards released up to Jan 1, 2013
  • d:r|c searches for all Runner or Corp cards
  • x:"the Corp loses 1 credit" returns Amina, Corporate "Grant", and Lamprey
  • d:corp z:current returns all Corp cards in the cycles valid for the latest rotation

Card aliases

These are shortcuts you can use instead of cards' names when searching for cards by title

  • 24/7 News Cycle : 247 news cycle
  • Adjusted Chronotype : pancakes
  • Advanced Concept Hopper : sweet car
  • Alix T4LB07 : alix talbot
  • Andromeda: Dispossessed Ristie : andy
  • Bankroll : piggy bank
  • Bass CH1R180G4 : bass chiriboga
  • Black Orchestra : blorch
  • Calvin B4L3Y : calvin baley
  • Cerberus "Cuj.0" H3 : cujo
  • Compile : just in time
  • Crick : franklin
  • D4v1d : david
  • DZMZ Optimizer : deezy meezy deezymeezy
  • Dadiana Chacon : loan sharks
  • Daily Casts : twitchtv
  • Data Folding : folding at home
  • Diversion of Funds : doof
  • Economic Warfare : yoghurt yogurt
  • Edward Kim: Humanity's Hammer : captain hammer eddie kim eddy kim full metal hacktivist
  • F2P : free to pay free to play
  • Falsified Credentials : unsure gamble
  • Gabriel Santiago: Consummate Professional : gabe
  • Gingerbread : catch me if you can
  • Giordano Memorial Field : pizza field
  • Government Takeover : gotay gotek
  • HQ Interface : hqi
  • Haas-Bioroid: Architects of Tomorrow : aot
  • Haas-Bioroid: Engineering the Future : etf
  • Haas-Bioroid: Precision Design : prede
  • Harmony AR Therapy : hart
  • Hayley Kaplan: Universal Scholar : honor student honour student ivy league
  • Hernando Cortez : nice moustache
  • Hoshiko Shiro: Untold Protagonist : magical girl mahou shoujo
  • Hunter : sauron
  • Ikawah Project : mother brain
  • Jackson Howard : j-how jhow
  • Jailbreak : face kick facekick
  • Jeeves Model Bioroids : butler
  • Jinteki: Personal Evolution : black tree
  • Jinteki: Potential Unleashed : potatoes
  • Jinteki: Replicating Perfection : white tree
  • Khusyuk : kusyuk kyusuk
  • Kuwinda K4H1U3 : kuwinda kahiue
  • Leela Patel: Trained Pragmatist : boxer girl
  • Levy AR Lab Access : larla
  • MCA Austerity Policy : emcap mca ap mcaap
  • Magnum Opus : mopus
  • Malia Z0L0K4 : malia zoloka
  • Midseason Replacements : midseasons
  • Mti Mwekundu: Life Improved : red black tree red tree
  • NBN: Controlling the Message : ctm
  • Na'Not'K : nanotk sodium not potassium
  • Nisei MK II : nisei mark 2 nisei mark ii nisei mk 2
  • No One Home : knock knock
  • Overclock : slimhack
  • Paperclip : clippy
  • Pennyshaver : desperadito
  • Political Operative : polop
  • Prepaid VoicePAD : ppvp
  • Professional Contacts : procon
  • Public Trail : public trial
  • Puffer : fugu
  • Quantum Predictive Model : kitty
  • R&D Interface : rdi
  • Reconstruction Contract : recoco
  • Reeducation : unlearn what you have learned
  • Retrieval Run : retrun trash panda trashpanda
  • Rezeki : green ball green orb
  • Sacrificial Construct : saccon
  • SanSan City Grid : sscg
  • Sand Storm : darude
  • Scarcity of Resources : spooky town
  • Seidr Laboratories: Destiny Defined : seidr labs
  • Spin Doctor : spinny
  • Sports Hopper : nice car
  • Street Magic : david blaine
  • Sunny Lebeau: Security Specialist : soccer mom
  • Surfer : cowabunga
  • Symmetrical Visage : baby
  • TGTBT : bitcoin
  • Team Sponsorship : teamspo
  • Underworld Contact : cell phone man cell phones mister phones mr phones
  • Unregistered S&W '35 : pistol
  • Urtica Cipher : julybug
  • Weyland Consortium: Because We Built It : bwbi
  • Weyland Consortium: Building a Better World : babw
  • Weyland Consortium: Built to Last : b2l btl


This section goes into further detail on each operand.

Advancement cost (g)

Searching based on agenda advancement cost

This operand searches for the advancement cost of agendas. Using it will filter out all non-agenda cards.

To match the install/play/rez cost of other cards, use o.

  • g:3 – gets all 3/X agendas
  • g>4 – gets all agendas with an advancement cost greater than 4
  • g:5 v:3 – gets all 5/3 agendas

Agenda points (v)

Searching based on agenda points

This operand searches for the printed agenda points on agendas. Using it will filter out all non-agenda cards.
  • v:2 – gets all X/2 agendas
  • v>3 – gets all agendas worth more than 3 points
  • g:5 v:3 – gets all 5/3 agendas

Banlist (b)

Searching based on inclusion in a banlist, MWL, or points list

b:... will exclude any cards banned by the given banlist. Ban List has two additional options: active or latest. These two only differ when there is a not-yet-active banlist.

Valid options are:

  • active
  • latest
  • standard-ban-list-24-09 (active) (latest)
  • startup-ban-list-24-09-for-classic-only
  • standard-ban-list-24-05
  • standard-ban-list-24-03
  • standard-ban-list-23-09
  • sunset-ban-list-24-01
  • startup-ban-list-24-01-for-classic-only
  • standard-ban-list-23-08
  • standard-ban-list-23-03
  • standard-ban-list-22-09
  • standard-ban-list-22-08
  • standard-ban-list-21-10
  • standard-ban-list-21-06
  • standard-ban-list-21-05
  • standard-ban-list-21-04
  • standard-ban-list-20-09
  • standard-ban-list-20-06
  • standard-mwl-3-4-b
  • standard-mwl-3-4
  • standard-mwl-3-3
  • standard-mwl-3.2
  • standard-mwl-3.1
  • standard-mwl-3-0
  • NAPD_MWL_2.2
  • NAPD_MWL_2.1
  • NAPD_MWL_2.0
  • NAPD_MWL_1.2
  • NAPD_MWL_1.1
  • NAPD_MWL_1.0

Base link (l)

Searching based on Runner identity base link

This operand searches for the base link of Runner IDs. Using it will filter out all other types of cards.
  • l:2 – gets all identities with a base link of 2
  • l>0 – gets all identities with a base linnk greater than 0
  • l!1 – gets all identities that don't have 1 base link

Cost (o)

Searching based on install/play/rez cost

This operand searches for a different value depending on card type. It matches the play cost of events and operations, the install cost of Runner installables, and the rez cost of Corp installables.

You can use the type query (t:...) to specify which type of cost you mean.

Using this operand will filter out agendas. To match the advancement cost of agendas, use g.

  • o:0 – gets all 0-cost cards
  • o>5 – gets all cards costing more than 5 credits
  • o!2 t:event – gets all events that don't cost 2 credits

Cycle (c)

Searching based on cycle (including core sets, deluxe expansions, and other non-cycle releases)

This operand matches the position of each cycle:

  • 33 – Liberation
  • 32 – Borealis
  • 31 – System Update 2021
  • 30 – System Gateway
  • 29 – Salvaged Memories
  • 28 – Magnum Opus Reprint
  • 26 – Ashes
  • 25 – System Core 2019
  • 24 – NAPD Multiplayer
  • 23 – Magnum Opus
  • 22 – Reign and Reverie
  • 21 – Kitara
  • 20 – Revised Core Set
  • 13 – Terminal Directive
  • 12 – Red Sand
  • 11 – Flashpoint
  • 10 – Mumbad
  • 9 – Data and Destiny
  • 8 – SanSan
  • 7 – Order and Chaos
  • 6 – Lunar
  • 5 – Honor and Profit
  • 4 – Spin
  • 3 – Creation and Control
  • 2 – Genesis
  • 1 – Core Set
  • 0 – Draft

Faction (f)

Searching based on faction

This operand accepts full faction codes (e.g. nbn, haas-bioroid, weyland-consortium, sunny-lebeau, etc) or the following shortcuts:
  • The first letter of each non-neutral, non-mini faction
  • The second letter, or first two letters, of mini-factions (e.g. p or ap for Apex)
  • mini for all mini-factions
  • nc for neutral-corp
  • nr for neutral-runner
  • - or neutral for both neutral factions
  • weyland for weyland-consortium
  • hb for haas-bioroid

Flavor text (a)

Searching based on card's flavor text

This operand searches for cards with flavor text containing the given query.
  • a:g00ru – gets all cards referencing "g00ru" in their flavor text
  • a!a|e|i|o|u – gets all cards with flavor text, but without any vowels in that flavor text

Illustrator (i)

Searching based on illustrator

This operand searches for cards illustrated by a given artist. Note that some cards have reprints illustrated by different artists to their original printing.
  • i:"scott uminga" – gets all cards illustrated by Scott Uminga
  • i!"matt zeilinger" – gets all cards not illustrated by Matt Zeilinger

Influence (faction cost) (n)

Searching based on card's influence, or an identity's maximum influence limit

This operand searches for the influence of non-identity cards, and the maximum influence limit on identities.

Note that non-neutral agendas and identities with an infinite influence limit (e.g. the draft IDs) count as having a limit of 0.

You can use the type query (t:...) to exclude IDs or limit your search to them.

  • n:3 – gets all cards that cost 3 influence
  • n>0 t!identity – gets all cards with more than 0 influence, excluding IDs
  • n!15 – gets all cards that don't have 15 influence, or an influence limit of 15

Memory usage (m)

Searching based on program memory usage

This operand searches for the memory cost of programs. Using it will filter out all non-program cards.
  • m:0 – gets all programs that use 0 MU
  • m>2 – gets all programs that use more than 2 MU
  • m!3 – gets all programs that don't use 3 MU

Quantity printed in set (y)

Searching based on the quantity of each card printed in its set

This operand finds all cards that were printed in a given quantity in any set they were released in. For most cards this value is 3.
  • y:6 – gets all cards that were printed in a group of 6 copies
  • y!3 – gets all cards that were not printed in a group of 3 copies

Release Date (r)

Searching based on release date

This is a special case using only the operators < (inclusive) and > (exclusive) and only understands the arguments now or a date YYYY-MM-DD:
  • r>now – gets all unreleased cards
  • r<2022-10-27 – gets all cards released before October 27, 2022

Rotation (z)

Searching based on inclusion in a rotation

This operand restricts results to cards legal for a given rotation. There are several additional options: current, latest, standard, and startup. current and latest only differ when there is a not-yet-active rotation. standard is an alias for current. Rotation can also specify a specific rotation.

Valid options are:

  • current
  • latest
  • standard
  • startup
  • rotation-2023 (current) (latest)
  • rotation-2022
  • rotation-2021
  • rotation-2019
  • rotation-2018
  • rotation-2017

Set (e)

Searching based on set (including data packs, core sets, deluxe expansions, and other releases)

This operand matches the set codes for each set:

  • rwr – Rebellion Without Rehearsal
  • tai – The Automata Initiative
  • ph – Parhelion
  • ms – Midnight Sun
  • msbp – Midnight Sun Booster Pack
  • su21 – System Update 2021
  • sg – System Gateway
  • sm – Salvaged Memories
  • ur – Uprising
  • urbp – Uprising Booster Pack
  • mor – Magnum Opus Reprint
  • df – Downfall
  • sc19 – System Core 2019
  • mo – Magnum Opus
  • napd – NAPD Multiplayer
  • rar – Reign and Reverie
  • ka – Kampala Ascendent
  • win – Whispers in Nalubaale
  • tdatd – The Devil and the Dragon
  • cotc – Council of the Crest
  • dtwn – Down the White Nile
  • ss – Sovereign Sight
  • core2 – Revised Core Set
  • cd – Crimson Dust
  • fm – Free Mars
  • baw – Blood and Water
  • eas – Earth's Scion
  • tdc – Terminal Directive Campaign
  • td – Terminal Directive Cards
  • so – Station One
  • dc – Daedalus Complex
  • qu – Quorum
  • ml – Martial Law
  • in – Intervention
  • es – Escalation
  • bm – Blood Money
  • 23s – 23 Seconds
  • ftm – Fear the Masses
  • tlm – The Liberated Mind
  • si – Salsette Island
  • dag – Democracy and Dogma
  • bf – Business First
  • kg – Kala Ghoda
  • dad – Data and Destiny
  • uot – The Universe of Tomorrow
  • oh – Old Hollywood
  • uw – The Underway
  • cc – Chrome City
  • bb – Breaker Bay
  • val – The Valley
  • oac – Order and Chaos
  • ts – The Source
  • atr – All That Remains
  • uao – Up and Over
  • fc – First Contact
  • tsb – The Spaces Between
  • up – Upstalk
  • hap – Honor and Profit
  • dt – Double Time
  • fal – Fear and Loathing
  • tc – True Colors
  • mt – Mala Tempora
  • st – Second Thoughts
  • om – Opening Moves
  • cac – Creation and Control
  • fp – Future Proof
  • hs – Humanity's Shadow
  • asis – A Study in Static
  • ce – Cyber Exodus
  • ta – Trace Amount
  • wla – What Lies Ahead
  • core – Core Set
  • draft – Draft

Side (d)

Searching based on side

  • d:runner or d:r – gets all Runner cards
  • d:corp or d:c – gets all Corp cards

Strength (p)

Searching based on an icebreaker or piece of ice's strength

This operand searches for the strength of ice and programs with a strength value (i.e. icebreakers). Using it will filter out all cards without a strength value.

If you want to find programs that don't have strength, you can search for non-icebreaker programs (t:program s!icebreaker).

  • p:4 – gets all cards with a strength of 4
  • p<6 t:ice – gets all ice with less than 6 strength
  • p!1 s:icebreaker – gets all icebreakers that don't have a base strength of 1

Subtype (s)

Searching based on subtypes

This operand searches for cards with matching subtypes. Note that queries must match the entire subtype (e.g. virus will match viruses, but iru will not).
  • s:barrier|"code gate"|sentry – gets all barriers, code gates, and sentries
  • s!location – gets all cards (Runner and Corp) that do not have the location subtype

Text (x)

Searching based on card's text

You can use the x syntax to match substrings of a card's ability text (as opposed to its flavor text):
  • x:"trace[x]" – gets all cards with "trace[x]" in their text
  • x:run – gets all cards with "run" in their text
  • x!"whenever the corp" – gets all cards without "whenever the corp" in their text
  • x:"per turn"|"per run" x:2 – gets all with either "per turn" or "per run", and with the number 2 in their text

Title (_)

Searching based on card's titles

This operand is optional. Text entered without any operand will be matched against card titles (e.g. mca will match MCA Austerity Policy and MCA Informant).

The only exceptions are:

  • Two-or more letters in all capitals will attempt to match cards by acronym (e.g. BLC will match Blue Level Clearance and Black Level Clearance)
  • Writing the ID code of a card will match that card specifically (e.g. 20073 will match Green Level Clearance)
  • Some cards have aliases that will match them (e.g. clippy will match Paperclip)
Note that you can search for card titles by using the _ operand. This allows you to search for cards that don't contain a certain string:
  • _!not – gets all cards that do not contain "not" in their titles

Trash cost (h)

Searching based on trash cost

This operand searches for the trash cost of cards with trash costs. Using it will filter out all cards without a trash cost.
  • h:4 – gets all cards with a trash cost of 4
  • h<2 – gets all cards with a trash cost less than 2
  • h!3 – gets all cards with trash costs that don't have a trash cost of 3

Type (t)

Searching based on card type

This operand searches for cards that are or aren't a certain type.
  • t:asset|upgrade – gets all assets and upgrades
  • t!resource – gets all cards (Runner and Corp) except resources

Uniqueness (u)

Searching for unique or non-unique cards

This operand will find all unique cards, unless it is given a value of 0. Using the ! operator inverts this.
  • u:1 or u!0 – gets all unique cards
  • u:0 or u!1 – gets all cards that are not unique