Temujin Kate (King of Subways)

saetzero 2589

General purpose Kate list. I feel its almost there for the regular meta, let alone the KoS one. Cut tech cards as needed. Legwork vs Clot is entirely style choice/meta choice. I think Clip is better than Lady, come at me.

Was on the 4th place team. This went 2-3 on the day, with mistakes piloting on my end and playing against unusual lists I was not ready for. The deck was over 70% win rate in testing on Jnet Comp room before the event.

28 Mar 2017 stoppableforce

This doesn't have a single chameleon in it. It's like I don't even know you anymore.

28 Mar 2017 disperse

Against an asset spam deck would you install more than one Paricia? I usually put Paricia in as a on-of but would consider adding more for stacked benefit vs. RP and NEH.

28 Mar 2017 saetzero

@stoppableforce lollll. i was worried about sol so i just delevoped a not chameleons list XD


yes, ill install 2 or 3 paricias if ill get value from them. the real asset spam decks you never need 3 breakers vs, so its just install as many as you want