NBN FA-TnB Hybrid

paddosan 3414

Tag and bag to scare the Runners and make them jittery, while you fast advance your Agenda. Jackson Howard to recover useful goods, mainly economy cards, or SanSan.
30 Sep 2013 Alsciende

One third of your ice is at 4 strength, it seems a bit too much. Could you go without the Bastions ?

30 Sep 2013 paddosan

That's a good point Alciende, and yes, it could definitely go without Bastion and maybe add a third Wall of Static and a third Datapike instead! Is there a way to modify a published deck?

30 Sep 2013 Alsciende

Nope. It's the whole point (otherwise comments, likes and favorites would stop being relevant). But you can publish as many decks as you like.

30 Sep 2013 paddosan

I see, that's a good reason indeed. :)

I'll make sure to add version numbers to all my decks then, so to keep track of them!