Cowboy Journalism

sruman 132

Valencia variant of Anarch good stuff I'm thinking of taking to worlds. The main differences from the standard Valencia good stuff are:

Desperado The Grimoire version is solid as well, but I need the encouragement that desperado gives you to be aggressive. Additionally, with the bad pub, it helps trash all those assets that corps love so much (adding scrubber is just mean).

Memstrips Its part of the end game win condition. I found that the 5 mem that desperado provides is sometimes not enough to put together a rig that can fully seal the deal in the long game. But breakers, 2 suckers, 2 mediums with room for a parasite sure can.

Film Critic Just too good at 1 influence not to include. High variance when it appears ( street peddler helps) but always welcome when it does.

Net Ready Eyes This could probably be swapped out for Faust as a Lotus Field solution or Atman. I like a 0-memory solution to Lotus Field that can also help make corroder less expensive, but I might swap it out along the way.

Trope Testing this out as a replacement for the 1-of deja vu I had. Deja vu is more focused and can get me that blackmail I need right now, but trope could have a bigger pay off if find it fairly early and can push back 6+ solid cards in the long game. Haven't tried it in many games, so will see how it goes.