
Jander 349

My variant of

3 Mar 2014 x3r0h0ur

Why not run 2-3 copies of djinn, and pheromones. Pheromones pay for vamps, tutors crypsis, medium and pheromones, and provides MU for crescentus.

3 Mar 2014 Jander

Mediums and vamps eat up all of the influence. This decks runs on HQ only a few times, so I don't think pheromones would be useful. Besides, MU would be an issue.

3 Mar 2014 x3r0h0ur

Well djinn is the mu, pheromones triggers on vamp runs, and pays for vamping...i don't see how it doesn't hit HQ much, considering same old thing, siphon, and vamp are what runs this deck. You'd have an overall less count of mediums with a much higher likelihood of getting them, and crypsis, and your have djinns to host sneakdoor and crescentus on. You can even, if daring, djinn stack and squeeze 7 mu in 1 slot.

5 Mar 2014 Jander

Ok, now I see it. I'll give it a try, thanks for the advice.