Overmind Chaos

FiddlerOfMalaz 20

First draft for an Overmind centere, aggressive shaper deck. The core is using the multiple copies of Overmind to start making runs early and cheaply. Their lifespan is increased with e3 Feedback Implants, Retrieval Run and Test Run. The deck features a heavy hardware suite for increasing the memory capacity and includes 2 copies of Inside Man to lessen the strain on the creds. Creds are generated through Kati Jones and Underworld Contact, with the hardware and 2 copies of The Helpful AI providing the link. There are some ice-derez cards present to put pressure on the corp by derezzing their mid-to high range ice.

Finally one copy of each efficient, basic shaper breakers are included in case the overminds run out.

30 Mar 2015 flott

Creeper would be an option to consider: it does not need MUs once you have two links and it synergizes with e3 Feedback Implants.