Garbage Day: 1st Place Store Championship NuGames Arcata, CA

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Narduwel 255

This is the corp deck I ran along side Valencia Estevez when I placed first in the store championship at NuGames Arcata. The last round I faced Leela Patel and Jinteki: Personal Evolution. I lost to Leela mainly because my opponent managed to get some early Account Siphons off and kept me poor the rest of the game. Like my Valencia Estevez deck, this deck generally plays really slow. During the tournament I felt really rushed and didn't really ever play the deck the way I normally play it. However, each Himitsu-Bako in the deck paid its weight in gold several times over during the tournament.

Initially, I didn't have Crisium Grid or Pup in the deck but had 3 Markus 1.0 instead (plus some other changes). I found Markus 1.0 to be too expensive for what I was using it for and our meta had several players running Keyhole, Account Siphon, and other disruptive 'on a successful run' cards. To combat the run events and programs, I dropped Markus for Crisium Grid and Pup (Pup for more ICE). Additionally in the earliest iterations of this deck I had Shi.Kyū, but removed to later. Shi.Kyū was interesting to have, but I still removed it because it was not as efficient at deterring the runner from running archives as Shock!.

When playing this deck, I normally try to put cheap idea that can be rezzed early on Archives and HQ. I tried having no operations in the deck, but found that my economy took too long to build up. So, I added three Hedge Fund so that I can get an early rez on the expensive stuff like Komainu, Tsurugi, and Hostile Infrastructure. Generally what I try to do is make it as unattractive as possible to to try at make a run on archives. Then, I get trash costs up. I end with using Red Herrings to protect my scoring server from runner access. My greatest suggestion with this deck is to be cautious with your asset economy. Start with PAD Campaign then later in the game, get Sundew out for more economy. However, consider relying entirely on PAD Campaign if the runner has Security Testing and/or Desperado. I have found that about half the wins with deck, we a result of flatlining the runner.

During the tournament, I was really rushed. So I was forced to play the deck completely differently than I normally do. I relied almost entirely on PAD Campaign and Hedge Fund for economy. I had to get a scoring server established quickly and start advancing agendas relatively early. during the tournament, I managed to use Pup and Himitsu-Bako to keep runners out.

16 Mar 2015 yojimbosteel

Hostile Infrastructure is so painful! Congrats :)

16 Mar 2015 Myriad

Big shout out on that win! You earned it buddy.

Thanks for the write up and for sharing your decklist. This thing has been a work in progress for a while and it has been great to see its evolution.

17 Mar 2015 CJFM

Sweet list! I'm going to give this a try this week!

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