Single Core Set HAAS 1.1

Watzlav 1019

There's not a lot of decisions to make when building with cardpool as limited as a single core set, so this should be brief. No Corporate Troubleshooter because my dangerous ice can be usually clicked through and I didn't want any one-offs on my list. No SanSan for the same reason, instead I went for Red Herrings who act as faux Ash.

Beanstalk Royalties and Anonymous Tip for a tempo boost. You might want more Beanstalks instead of Tips.

ICE composition is pretty straight-forward all the neutral and Haas goodies sans Heimdaal. I'm not a huge fan of expansive ice, so I'm packing Tollbooths instead and unless runner has Femme Fatale, it's much better tax. And finally ice to round it off, I put it on every list because it's that good.

Well, that's it. Engineering the future.