Ice Nova v1

LynxMegaCorp 1343

I really like how this identity looks / sounds, so I decided to make a theory deck. I wanted to see how best to utilize Blue Sun's ability; one thing that stood out was the ability to prolong and actually benefit from asset economy; Private Contracts and Eve Campaign seemed the best candidates. Once they're on their last 2 credits, you can send them back to HQ, offsetting their initial cost and possibly allowing you to reap their benefits again if needed.

I figured an excellent way to make some early econ is through Oversight AI + Curtain Wall / Janus. Not only are you guaranteed protection on the selected server that turn, but next turn (or really, when you need it), you're also guaranteed a tremendous burst of econ, akin to slapping the runner with a glove.

Use your wealth to set up Off the Grid on a remote (possibly one with a vulnerable Eve or PC), toss Ruhr Valley into HQ (along with a Corporate Troubleshooter or two!), and prepare to score your way to victory. Agendas are selected for efficiency. Project Atlas is quick to score (and can provide recursion if you have no other agendas to score soon after). NAPD's the go-to agenda, as usual. Priority Requisition can help secure an Archer on HQ (or other large ice) to increase your protection. Hades Fragment sounds cool, okay?

Ice were handpicked by the darkest of executives with the goal of securing that Oversight / Blue Sun benefit, and protecting HQ from intrusion. What's great about this setup is that it provides flexibility, and protection from a few runner assaults. Picked up a nasty Parasite? Return to HQ. Femme getting too comfortable? Return to HQ. Runner trying to win? Return to HQ.

I'm starting to think this ID might be a bit... Broken.

... I can't wait!

Questions, comments and conscrits are always welcome!

5 Jul 2014 LynxMegaCorp

Also; Elizabeth Mills and this Identity = free Bad Publicity removal every turn. Just a thought!

5 Jul 2014 esutter479

That's an interesting, and valid, question about Oversight AI + Blue Sun. I do, however, tend to lean towards the answer that FFG considers OAI to be not "rezzed", per se, but rather just played with its condition counter. The ICE is merely a host for it. I could be wrong, and to be honest, I hope I am. :)

5 Jul 2014 LynxMegaCorp

I'm thinking that too (that its not rezzed, just 'there'), but regardless, using it with this identity is amazing. This identity's ability counters most of the runner's best tricks (Femme, Parasite, Caissa...) Can't wait to get my hands on this one.

5 Jul 2014 esutter479

Same. This ID will likely get me playing Weyland again...not that I'll stop using HB IDs...

5 Jul 2014 GammaCodeX

Oversight ai is not a rezzed card, and can therefor not be returned.