Dec@Day.01 - Fix It in Beta

WizardOfWinter 24

Dec@Day - Every identity, one day and deck at a time. It's like NaNoWriMo for Netrunner! More info in my profile.

Haas-Bioroid: Engineering the Future starts as a strong economic Identity, with a suite of 3/2 and 4/2 Agendas to match. On average, an Accelerated Beta Test will net one free ICE, and Project Vitruvius, Jackson Howard, and Interns help make sure any Assets or Upgrades that were trashed can be retrieved.

Early-game is focused on securing centrals and getting an Adonis Campaign or Melange Mining Corp. remote. Once the Runner shuts it down, we can transition into scoring our Agendas. Ash 2X3ZB9CY and Corporate Troubleshooter are for the late-game, where we can mess up the Runner math on runs.

ICE runs from program trashing (Ichi 1.0, Rototurret) to taxing (Eli 1.0, Tollbooth) to just plain annoying (Caduceus, Heimdall 2.0), giving flexibility in choosing how to ruin the Runner's day.

Suggestions, critiques or comments? Feel free--the entire reason I'm doing this is to build my deckbuilding skills--and stop by tomorrow for Noise: Hacker Extraordinaire's turn.