Space and Sun v1.1

EnderA 501

This deck is based around cheating ice into rezzing, adding the so-called "space" ice to the build that previously primarily relied on Curtain Wall.

The new card Orion adds another great target for the cheap-rezzing, and the others offer affordable yet expensive-costed alternatives. The deck runs a total of 10 advanceable ice, amongst 6 different types, which should keep your opponent on their toes as you bounce them around the board. In total the deck runs 19 ice, above the average, partly in thanks to the low agenda count.

Oversight AI and Eliza's Toybox cheat the ice into flipping up. Oversight AI can earn you up to 14 credits on its own. With the Toybox combined with Orion, you can make 15 credits for 4 clicks (or 14 with Curtain Wall,) easily beating out Melange Mining Corp in efficiency, while costing 3 more to trash (albeit also to rez.)

Constellation Protocol and Trick of Light allow you to move counters off of the space ice that you have advanced so you can then bounce it to your hand for a full refund. Depending on the situation you can sometimes simply leave Constellation Protocol on a naked remote server, with its trash cost of 4, costing you nothing. Trick of Light also enables some surprise agenda scoring, Project Atlas in particular, either for 3 the turn you play it, or for 4 the following turn if you play it naked.

Meanwhile, Executive Boot Camp both allows you to rez your ice on your own terms and tutor out the powerful Adonis Campaign, and Eliza's Toybox, or even Jackson Howard or Constellation Protocol.

All in all it has substantial internal synergy. The question is... is that enough to be competitive?

13 Jun 2015 Jashay

Huh. I was literally just thinking about trying a Space ICE Sun deck, and here one is!

Archer seems like it's a little reliant on tricks to get rezzed but you do have a lot of tricks there! Surprised at the lack of Scorched Earth as a secondary win condition.

With half of your ICE being advancable, would Shipment from Kaguya be an option? Also, Commercialization?

13 Jun 2015 EnderA

Once I get a chance to playtest it, I'll let you know exactly what I feel needs to be changed.

Archer is viable because of: Priority Requisition, Eliza's Toybox, and Oversight AI. Worst case, you forfeit a 2-point agenda to wreck their gear and create a crazy tough barrier. Certainly costly, but no the end of the world. Still, that's why I'm not running 3. I wouldn't want to see 3.

At the moment, I'm playing without Scorched Earth because the deck would be entirely different without it. See here) for where it would probably go. Key card changes: Bad Publicity economy, Midseason Replacements, Data Raven, Information Overload. That would mean no Trick of Light, no Constellation Protocol, no Adonis Campaign, no Eliza's Toybox, and other changes. It's really a completely different deck.

Shipment from Kaguya and Commercialization are possible, but I don't think they're any better than the cards I have in here. Namely, what would be cut? Power Shutdown seems the most viable cut.

15 Jun 2015 EnderA

Ok, after playing it, I think 2 Archers is too much. I saw both a couple of times and was always disappointed to see both. I'm dropping down to 1 (replaced with a second Caduceus.)

I also ran into a couple really brutal currents, so I've replaced a Power Shutdown with 1 Paywall Implementation. Serves multiple purposes: Improves the efficiency of the unprotected assets, clears other currents, and adds economy. It's practically guaranteed to gain you at least 1. It increases your outs to currents to: a) Score an agenda, b) play paywall from hand, c) search for it with Project Atlas, or d) pick it up from archives with Archived Memories.

I still want to do more testing with Eliza's Toybox. One game I was a turn away from completely running away with the game before they managed to trash it.

I also need to learn how to not be a noob. This deck is hard to play, which is partly why I love it.