Project Vacheron

Project Vacheron 5/3

Agenda: Research

[interrupt] → When this agenda would be added to the Runnerʼs score area from anywhere except Archives, instead it is added to their score area with 4 hosted agenda counters.

While this agenda is in the Runnerʼs score area with 1 or more hosted agenda counters, it is worth 0 agenda points and gains “When the Runnerʼs turn begins, remove 1 hosted agenda counter.“

Illustrated by Patrick Burk
Decklists with this card

Uprising (ur)

#97 • English
Startup Card Pool
Standard Card Pool
Standard Ban List (show history)
  • Updated 2020-08-04

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    If the Runner has 4 or more agenda points and then steals Project Vacheron from a server other than Archives, do they win the game?

    No. When the Runner steals Project Vacheron, it will already have hosted agenda counters, and the ability changing its agenda point value will already be active, as it enters their score area. There is no point at which the Runner has agenda points from Project Vacheron until all the counters are removed.

    If the Runner steals Project Vacheron during their turn, can the Corp play Game Over or Punitive Counterstrike on their next turn?

    Yes. Project Vacheron's replacement effect does not change that the agenda was stolen, but only changes the effects of stealing. Since Punitive Counterstrike counts the printed agenda points on stolen agendas, not their current agenda points, Project Vacheron will contribute 3 towards the amount of meat damage Punitive Counterstrike can deal.

    What happens if the Runner adds Project Vacheron to their score area with Film Critic?

    The interrupt ability will apply, and Project Vacheron will enter the Runner's score area with an agenda point value of 0 and with 4 hosted agenda counters.

    What happens if the Runner steals Project Vacheron using Whistleblower?

    The interrupt ability on Project Vacheron is not a cost to steal it, so Whistleblower will not negate it. The interrupt ability will apply, and Project Vacheron will enter the Runner's score area with an agenda point value of 0 and with 4 hosted agenda counters.

    What happens if Project Vacheron is swapped into the Runner's score area using Turntable or Exchange of Information?

    Swapping 2 cards adds each of those cards to the other's location, so Project Vacheron's interrupt ability will apply, and it will enter the Runner's score area with an agenda point value of 0 and with 4 hosted agenda counters (in addition to any other counters it may already be hosting).

    What happens if Project Vacheron is swapped into the Corp's score area?

    Any hosted agenda counters remain on Project Vacheron, but the abilities that remove the counters and set its agenda point value to 0 do not apply. Project Vacheron will be worth 3 agenda points for the Corp and will keep its hosted counters unless they are removed by another effect.


Project Vacheron provides an interesting perspective on the topic of risk managment with scoring windows. Not only do you have to consider now if the runner can steal this agenda but also how far ahead you are so that you might still win even if the runner has theoretically scored all points.

In Sportsmetal this Agenda might be worth the risk to install and feed the runner (drag them through an expensive server first, of course!) while secretly planning your next score from hand already. If they don't take the bait, even better, you just scored 3 points.

This puts an interesting timer on the corp and while it might not be the strongest agenda currently it is certainly fun to play! I think it will see play in agressive corp decks looking to score as fast as possible.

(Uprising era)

Question, if the runner steals vacheron straight up, are they still vunerable to a puntive? or is the agenda being added to the score area similar to film critic which also says "add" the agenda to the score area.

F.A.Q 1.3.22 "When an effect adds a card to a score area, this is distinct from scoring or stealing an agenda. "

(I believe) the runner is still vulnerable to punitive if they steal this agenda straight up. Adding to the score area is distinct from stealing, but it is also a consequence of stealing. The runner is considered to have stolen the agenda, and during the steal, the add-to-score-area step of stealing the agenda is modified.