[Startup] The Kit Fatale

morita-san 9

2-2 at the Seattle Area STARTUP - H1 Circuit Opener and the first deck I've made since coming back to Netrunner when last I played in 2015.

The basic idea of the deck is to mandate the corp's most important servers to be 3+ ice thick as Gordian Blade on the outer ICE-- thanks to Rielle "Kit" Peddler: Transhuman-- and Femme Fatale on the inner ICE provides some quick and easy aggression.

The trick is to use Test Run to find your Femmes at a cheap cost and scout out your opponent's ICE. Then when it returns to the top of the deck, use Spark of Inspiration to install it at a discount, while also re-targeting the most pesky of your opponent's ICE.

The deck does need some optimizations, which I'm not quite a strong enough player to quite understand what. K2CP Turbine felt dead in all of my games, same as Hippocampic Mechanocytes. I also haven't quite figured out the balance of money to draw power yet, as my first iteration of this deck I felt too poor, and this version which I brought to the event felt like I couldn't find my key cards quick enough.

Overall I'm satisfied with how my deck performed and I think the base idea has potential. I've always been one to prefer new ideas or off-meta strategies even at the cost of performance, so it made me happy whenever someone said "I'm surprised you aren't running Endurance." Although hopefully the answer to make this deck better simply isn't "just use the boat".