SEA the Experimentation

Black Hat Madman 72

I am so sorry for the awful pun in the title.

I wouldn't call this a "fast advance" deck, but one of the reasons I included Trick of Light was because of Cayambe Grid.

When I saw this ID, I got to thinking. "Why would you possibly want only one remote server?" Then I saw Wall to Wall. The last ability got me thinking. If I need to install an Agenda, there we go. Bounce it.

This deck probably isn't that good, to be honest. I mean, I'm running GFI as my restricted card, I have BOOM! in a deck with only two tag options, and most of my influence went to three Tricks of Light. And Standoff was added as Archer fodder. I might replace it in a later draft for another piece of ice. However, it was fun trying to come up with a way to make Wall to Wall work with Earth Station.