Red Planet Curry Noodles

obscurica 1317

Based off emilyspine's list, as recently featured, and re-rigged to reflect MWL2.0.

I decided to base it out of Titan for a simple reason: guaranteeing agenda counters on Project Atlas inherently accelerates the deck towards a win. Combined with Whampoa Reclamation, in fact, and you can recycle the same Biotic Labor over and over while digging up the rest of the Atlases, knocking out an easy six points so long as your econ engine can support it.

And since it's Titan, every usage of an Atlas agenda counter is another bit of cash to go through. Furthermore: if you use Red Planet Couriers to load up an Atlas with a giant pile of agenda tokens, it all turns into fuel for the train.

Lister-Turtle seems like the key runner-side interaction to watch out for, and can easily outstrip defenses if left unchallenged, so I slapped in a Cyberdex Virus Suite and called it a day. It won't keep them out of servers entirely, but it'll keep Aumakua from getting entirely unmanageable.

Notably: I suspect this deck only exists thanks to the new MWL. Inversificator/Magnum Opus Kit makes short work of this, and now that's no longer a possible combo.

30 Sep 2017 glassjoe

I like the deck a lot! The only card I'm lukewarm on is Errand Boy. You mention Aumakua as a problem; how would you feel about trading one Errand Boy for a Macrophage?

30 Sep 2017 obscurica

@glassjoe Macro's a good idea, actually, and slipped my mind. Might even exchange both. Either way, the more ways to knock Clot off the field, the better.

19 Oct 2017 FightingWalloon

Is Mark Yale really worth a slot?