CT Tryout

0j3t3c4l0r 2

I'd like to try this on a Storechamp that i'm going to play in 2 weeks, i've modified a versión of Pure Chaos i've seen here recently, I've been playing with CT for a while, because I kinda like the 40 cards deck and her abilitie, and also, i'm a shaper, I think is the kind of game that I like, the main idea it's to have your MOpus out there soon and keep controlling the Corp with Vamps and SoT, the other way to put pressure into the corp deck it's going after R&D with Medium and Maker's Eye

8 Jun 2016 daytodave

Captain, we need Diesel!

If you're running CT for her smaller deck size, you need to run Diesel to help thin your deck. Otherwise, you're not getting any benefit over a Kate deck that does run it. I would cut the Dirty Laundries for it.

I love these super simple CT decks that just get money and break stuff, and I like the riff with Notoriety.

You might look at the new Out of the Ashes for enabling Notoriety over All-nighter. OotA is almost strictly better than All-nighter, since you don't have to spend a click to install it (you spend that click drawing so you discard OotA).

You might also be spending card slots to support complexity that you don't need. You definitely don't need to spend 3 influence to pressure R&D as a shaper, and with no recursion Clot is gonna be limited. Without Medium you don't need any memory support, which frees up a total of five slots and three influence. That could be +2 OotA and +3 Clone Chip. Clone Chip speeds up your rig building like whoa, and allows you to run without Shrike plus $$$$. As is, you can't risk hitting a destroyer, and you have zero way to recover from Keegan Lane or Marcus Batty. You can threaten Clot as long as you don't have a full rig, and if you have a full rig + Opus, you aren't worried about fast advance.

Don't forget that each Out of the Ashes is just a straight up 2, without even spending a click. You bank them in your Heap until you have Opus out, then the clicks you don't spend running convert to money.

Finally, I think Rebirth would be HILARIOUS in this deck. Once you're set up, you pop into Jesminder to skip the Vamp tags. You'd have to keep Astrolabe, but with all the asset spam you probably want the 'labe anyway.