Rondon Katpriccioso

bnye88 57

This deck is built around London Library's utility to perpetually recur your Overmind and big breakers. Furthermore, Library acts as an installed Test Run to Scavenge and keep your big breakers.

The main way to play this deck is to quickly get some econ going and then set up LLDS Processors and MemStrips for extra Overmind counters. After that you can cheaply lock any server you wish once all the combo pieces are set. Don't be afraid to permanently install an Overmind with 5-6 counters as this would help you face check easier and also slow down the corp's game plan.

You generally don't want to run more than once per turn, although you need to make each one count. You also need to draw more aggressively with this deck, since you have 3x Career Fair and 3x Modded that will help you keep up in tempo. Furthermore, Box-E will allow you a more flexible hand size.

Depending on the match up, you may need the support of some of your big breakers.

London Library + Big Breaker + Scavenge = Pure genius!

Morning Star makes a fool out NEXT Silver, Hive, Galahad and also the increasingly popular Ashigaru as well as those pesky Wraparounds.

Torch theoretically is the second best decoder, although the best (Study Guide) does not have a place in this deck. It deals with those pesky Turing just fine.

Femme can be used to cheaply deal with barriers that Morning Star can't handle such as Hadrians or Curtain Walls. A 5 strength Femme is unstoppable. Blue Sun's ICE are vulnerable to a recurring Femme too.

Either way, the corp will be dancing to your tune.

P.S: Chameleon might be a strong include here as an alternative to Overmind as an early game breaker once The Underway is finally released.

15 May 2015 str4atman

This deck ripped my HB Glacier deck to bits! Femme + London Library + LLDS Processor goes through 1 Sentry + 1 Femmed ICE like nothing. And it's essentially GG once Overmind with 5 or 6 counters comes out.

Did you consider putting Clot in this?

15 May 2015 bnye88

@str4atman It was a conscious decision to exclude Clot since its only good with Self-modifying Code and Clone Chip. Admittedly, FA is the bane of this deck.

15 May 2015 mawa

Out of interest, would you have run Autoscripter if you had the influence?

15 May 2015 bnye88

@RubbishyUsername I've actually tested Autoscripter instead of the 3 Career Fairs with Chaos Theory. It allowed me to run more flexibly. Unfortunately, its downside of getting trashed upon unsuccessful run was a huge burden since the recent surge of glacier decks post-clot has made Caprice Nisei a lot more popular. The same goes for RP's ever so annoying Nisei MK II. Often times, 'Autotrashed' just wasn't pulling its weight.

At 3 inf a pop, I'd rather play a 2nd HQI instead. I would have seriously considered Autoscripter had it not have such a huge downside. Currently, I'm very happy with the 3 Career Fairs since it made this deck so much more consistent.

17 May 2015 Alsciende

How did the deck perform at tournaments?

17 May 2015 bnye88

@Alsciende The deck managed to pull easy wins against HB NEXT Glacier and HB Bioroid Glacier. I lost the final round with a flatline to Blue Mushin, but that was mostly a mistake on my part for tossing that early plascrete. I was convinced I was up against a vegan build before dying to a double punitive play when I had a 3 RDI lock set up.

If anything, I'd say this deck performs splendidly against HB glaciers which are quite popular these days.