This has to be the nicest drug dealer on the planet.
"I'm sorry Mr Drug Dealer, I don't have any money for you this week."
"That's okay Ken, I know times are tough. Have some drugs anyway, and pay me back when you can!"
"I had the money for you yesterday, but then last night I got a bit carried away in the work shop and now it's all gone."
"Perfectly understandable, Nasir! See you next week!"
"I spent all my drug money upgrading my study guide, sorry."
"Education is very important, Hayley! Stay in school!"
"Yo Mr D check it out my supplier got me a sweet discount on this sports hopper."
"That's... very nice, Tiger. Do you by any chance have that money you owed me?"
"Sorry Mr D, I'm all out."
"Sigh.... well, here's your free drugs."
Not to mention when he sees you on the big screen giving Daily Casts and still buys the fact you can't pay him as you're off to get your paycheck.
Thanks for brightening my day, mate. I both laughed my ass off and felt sorry for the poor Dealer at the same time.