Teaching Netrunner - Kate

Inermis 745

This deck is based on Zebadiah deck from http://stimhack.com/teaching-netrunner-part-3/

I updated it a bit, and user to teach new players.

Changes are:
+1x Lucky Find - yey this is lucky find! :)
+1 Dyson Mem Chip - I think it is good to have one more card that gives link for Underworld Contacts
+3x Personal Touch - great to teach new players how ICE Strenght is important
+1x Stimhack - Nice card to learn the brain damage mechanic, and how burst economy is important also
-1x Tri-maf Contact - to confusing for new players -1x Gordian Blade - because 2 is ok
-3x Dirty Laundry - does not really have synergy in this deck, and Magnum Opus plus Underworld Contacts already are good economy.
-1x Kati Jones - 3x Magnum Opus is enough. No need to explain that you need to click
-1x Early Bird - Really does not work with this deck, and it's confusing explaining why new player should use it.