Cavalier v0.1

muldr 13

Ken Tenma and his 17 beautiful influence, has been one of my favorite runners since I started playing. His ID's power is certainly not one of the strongest in the game, or even among Criminals, but the with 3 Pre-Paids and 2 Pub. Terminals, you can't count on getting that credit just about each turn once things get rolling.

Ken has been my best runner against Replicating Perfection and that pesky Enhanced Login Protocol. Early Bird is a fantastic card against RP, I get a free run (and a free cred if the hardware is there) and still have 4 clicks to check remotes if necessary.

Two great combos have been coming up lately: Account Siphon, Bribery, Lawyer Up. and Indexing into a Maker's Eye. Account Siphon and Lawyer work beautifully together and if you have 2 PrePaids out, all of that siphon money is profit.

The breaker sweet is a little light, I try and get Faerie, Corrdoer/Breach and Passport out ASAP. Let the Corp think you can't get past remote code gates and then install Cerberus once they drop something worth checking.

Try and stay at 7 cards if possible, this plus the 1 Crash Space has saved me from 1 scorched and the net shield is a huge help against PE. BOX-X helps with the 1 brain damage from Stimhack and the Levy Access is a great way to fly through your deck care free and then start over again for only 2 creds once you get all the pre-paids out.

If possible, toss the Garrote of Femme in the trash early and hit the Retrieval Run to pull it back. This is especially nice if the corp only has 1 ice in front of HQ and you are holding a legwork; Femme the ice and you are in.

Econ could be improved, trying to think of a better income than Armitage but the price is right. Suggestions welcome!

23 Dec 2014 tberton

I would definitely run a 3rd Dirty Laundry and a 3rd Same Old Thing in favour the Armitages. DL is just perfect with Ken's ability and SoT lets you reuse your one-of events. Speaking of which, you should probably have Planned Assault or at least some form of card draw if you want to see those singles. Also, ditch the Demo Run: it's only ever going to trash 1 card for you, which isn't worth it.

23 Dec 2014 king_mob

I really like this deck idea, but yeah i would play it with tberton's amendments.

23 Dec 2014 muldr

much appreciated! good call on demo run, it was there more to trash pricier upgrades/assets that maybe I cannot afford at the time but I think you are dead on about the DL and SOT. Thanks again...

23 Dec 2014 king_mob

@muldr if trashing assets is important consider Paricia as a splash, or run after an account siphon (always a good play if the asset your trashing is econ).