Run-Me H-B

TheUbiquitous 1

Thomas Haas while face-down and Melange while face-up make for tempting targets in your single remote server. Too bad you've overloaded your centrals and your remote server with tons of upgrades. (If you can figure out where to put Shipment from Mirrormorph for the sake of all these upgrades, you are a wonderful person.)

Every single bit of ICE besides Heimdall 1.0 is free to rez after installed on Awakening Center. Everything except Tyr's Hand and Melange has a high-ish trash cost. Meanwhile, Awakening Center --- backed up by Ash --- will host some nasty ice, hopefully Zed.

Score merely one of the Sentinel Defense Program agendas and all of a sudden your Awakening Centers are machines of death, dealing brain damage left and right thanks to Zed or Heimdall.

Hudson takes the place of Ash in a pinch, or at least sets up for Zed in the Awakening Center, and Tyr's Hand forces a click to be used.

Midori is always there to help get rid of pesky Knights or Pawns or Parasites from a previous turn. Likewise, Howler can also be there for retrieval against ICE destruction decks, or fetching something from an Awakening Center.