Exile with simpler icebreakers v.6

Cliquil 1214

This is the final version of a deck I worked on for a long time. With Blacklist coming out it is its final nail in the coffin.


Look at it - look at all the one off cool things it can do! Have they left archives open? Sneakdoor Beta with Nerve Agent to punish. Are they Fast Advancing? Clot! Big Ice getting you down? D4VID SMASH! Crescentus derez. An older version of this had Disruptor to deal with Midseasons tagging attempts but this version could occasionally avoid the double scorch by clone chipping programs out and drawing cards at the start of the corps' turn.

At its best it was a constantly shifting madness that should not be; Leprechaun was a champion in cheaply making mad combinations of cards possible for cheap. It had a solution for everything the corp could do and a lot of people never really saw it coming. When the cards came out in the right order you'd throw a load of programs in the heap with Freelance Coding Contract, slap down a Clone chip and you would have burst into a position where you have programs ready to be installed mid run and the money to do so.

It was Netrunner at its most fun.

But the seasoned amongst you will know why this deck failed competitively. It is nuts - utterly nuts. You would draw and draw for your finders and not find them; you'd be clicking Magnum Opus for money and floundering for a cunning solution when what the game required was a meat and potatoes running and economy.

Part of the problem was having these 1 off solutions; net Shield/Disruptor/Copycat may be awesome lifesavers once in a while, but most of the time the are in the way.

I think my next deck will be Chaos Theory; 40 cards of simplicity.

But I have to admit - I shall miss this deck.

Long live the brotherhood of Exiles!